5.0' x 7.0' Kilim Rug

5.0' x 7.0' Kilim Rug


Hand-woven in Pakistan, this 100% wool kilim rug features brilliant orange, pink, red, blue, and grey hues and fringe details on either end. Use this area rug to tie together a living room, dining room, office, bedroom, or hallway, or hang on a wide, tall wall as a piece of art. The tight, flat weave of kilim rugs makes them ideal for cleaning, as they can be easily swept off or shaken out to remove dirt and dust.

Dimensions: 60 in x 84 in

SKU: MF-190

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6.0' x 8.5' Kilim Rug colorful-kilim-rug-10-close.jpg
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6.0' x 8.5' Kilim Rug

5.5' x 8.0' Kilim Rug colorful-kilim-rug-9-close.jpg
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5.5' x 8.0' Kilim Rug

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5.0' x 6.5' Kilim Rug
