3.5' x 5.0' Afghan Rug

3.5' x 5.0' Afghan Rug


This beautiful Afghan-style wool rug is woven by hand by talented craftsmen in Afghanistan and Pakistan. This oriental-style rug features a red base with cream border and blue and yellow accent details. This area rug is the perfect statement piece for your home, and is ideally sized for placement at the end of a bed or in a cozy office or den.

Dimensions: 42 in x 60 in

SKU: AB-61

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Hand-Knotted Wool Rug
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Hand-Knotted Wool Rug

Hand-Knotted Wool Rug
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Hand-Knotted Wool Rug

Hand-Knotted Wool Rug
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Hand-Knotted Wool Rug

Hand-Knotted Wool Rug
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Hand-Knotted Wool Rug

Hand-Knotted Wool Rug
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Hand-Knotted Wool Rug
